jt2_.js - "JavaScript Toolkit"

A personal collection of code bits written before jQuery. Originally called 'jt_utils.js', including 'jt_Cookie.js' and 'jt_DialogBox'.

 * jt2_.js - "JavaScript Toolkit", V.2 (re-factored Nov 1 2009 from 'jt_.js')
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2012 by Joseph Oster, wingo.com
 * download: http://www.wingo.com/jt_/jt2_.js
 * @license http://www.wingo.com/jt_/jt_license.html


Source code:

lines size
'jt2_.js' view 733 26.0 KB
'jt_Cookie.js' view 56 1.98 KB
'xh_Request.js' view 60 1.8 KB
'jt_DialogBox.js' view 196 5.9 KB
'jt_DialogBox.css' view 44 1.2 KB
'jt_ProgressBar.js' view 44 1.47 KB
'jt_boxOverlap.js' view 74 2.4 KB
'jt_Slider.js' view 68 2.19 KB

jt_AJS.js - AngularJS Toolkit (April, 2013)

Developed while writing my first AngularJS app, a Media RSS demo.

 * jt_AJS.js - JavaScript Toolkit for AngularJS
 * by Joseph Oster, wingo.com - http://www.josephoster.com/jt_/

angular.module('jt_AJS', [])

	.directive('jtRepeatDone', function() {

	.directive('jtOnEnter', function() {

	.directive('jtViewScroll', function($timeout, $location) {

	.service('jt_AJS_LocalStorage', function($q) {

	.filter('jt_strip_http', function() {

Media RSS demo (April, 2013, using AngularJS, jt_AJS, Google Feeds API, jQuery, Twitter bootstrap and HTML5 video) at github

Wingo Web Site Design