var jt_.Veil = { src: jt2_.js

description: Implements a technique to prevent access to the underlying page, effectively acting "modal". The screen is covered by a semi-transparent DIV, whose appearance is defined by the 'css' property.

30 lines of code, 1.3 KB
main methods:
setRadio: function(radioFld, val) { // set 'radioFld' button with value == val and return 'true' (if not disabled!)
getRadio: function(radioFld) { // return value of selected 'radioFld' button
selected: function(pulldown) { // return value of selected item
posInList: function(pulldown, val) { // return position of 'val' in pulldown menu, -1 if not found
setSelectVal: function(pulldown, val) { // set "SELECTED" for item in pulldown menu with 'value===val'
formStr: function(aForm) {
